Growth-Focused Leaders

The GFL (Growth Focused Leaders) program is for individuals who are prepared to take a deep dive into the approach and practice of leading their team members, departments, divisions or organizations.  It provides leaders with knowledge and skills, along with a clear rhythm, and structure to facilitate maximum learning, meaning and purpose.  The journey includes 5 individual coaching conversations with each participant and 4 sessions with the entire cohort of leaders designed to learn together, stimulate creativity, precipitate open and honest communication and collaboration. 

“There are no bad teams, just bad leaders.”

The best way to increase the impact you have within your company is to bring the power of strengths to everyone in the organization. Check out these statistics:

  • 87% of employees globally are not engaged.
  • 67% are always or sometimes burned out.
  • Only 3 in 10 feel supported by their manager
  • 85% of people feel deflated after talking to their manager (Gallup, 2020).

There is a significant opportunity for improvement, as 70% of the variation in employee engagement is the sole responsibility of the Manager, which results in 80% of teams failing to achieve their goals. Why?

Today’s workers, particularly millennials are demanding something different. They want a Coach, not a manager. They want ongoing, live feedback and Coaching on their performance, development & progress. The role of the team leader (throughout the entire organizational structure) and development as a coach is crucial. It is time to equip your Leaders with the skills of what the best leaders do. Ultimately, these leaders will become agents of change within your growth focused organization.